PSYC1120: Behavioral Statistics and Research Methods I
Materials were generated by Jess for use in weekly statistics discussion. Please alert me to any errors.
Week 1: Introduction to Sampling
-Students read this paper to point out flaws in sampling
-Meeting Notes
Week 2: Plots & Measures of Central Tendency
-Meeting Notes
Week 3: Estimation & Sampling; Variance
-Meeting Notes
-Handout: Sampling Distribution
Week 4: Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics; Binomial Experiment
-Meeting Notes
Week 5: Introduction to Z-scores
-Handout: Z-scores
-Handout 2: Z-score Practice Problems with Answers
Week 6: Confidence Intervals
-Handout: Confidence Intervals
-Handout 2: Practice Problems with Answers
-Meeting Notes
Week 7: Hypothesis Testing; Type I & II Error; Z-test
-Handout: Hypothesis Testing
-Handout: Type I & II Error Practice Problems with Answers
-Handout: Type I & II Error + Power
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
Week 8: Introduction to the One Sample T-test
-Handout: T-test
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
Week 9: Within-Subjects T-Test
-Handout: Intro to Within-Subjects In-Class Demonstration
-Handout: Within-Subjects T-Test Practice Problem with Answers
Week 10: Review of Hypothesis Testing, One Sample T-Test, & Within-Subjects T-Test
-Handout: Practice Questions from Howell
-Handout: Practice Questions from Howell with Answers
Week 11: Within-Subjects T-Test vs. Between-Subjects T-Test in SPSS
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
-Handout: Introduction to Effect Size
Week 12: Between Subjects (Away at conference; Materials taken from other sections)
-Handout 1
-Handout 2
Week 13: Chi-square
-Handout: Chi-square
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
Review Table
-Students read this paper to point out flaws in sampling
-Meeting Notes
Week 2: Plots & Measures of Central Tendency
-Meeting Notes
Week 3: Estimation & Sampling; Variance
-Meeting Notes
-Handout: Sampling Distribution
Week 4: Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics; Binomial Experiment
-Meeting Notes
Week 5: Introduction to Z-scores
-Handout: Z-scores
-Handout 2: Z-score Practice Problems with Answers
Week 6: Confidence Intervals
-Handout: Confidence Intervals
-Handout 2: Practice Problems with Answers
-Meeting Notes
Week 7: Hypothesis Testing; Type I & II Error; Z-test
-Handout: Hypothesis Testing
-Handout: Type I & II Error Practice Problems with Answers
-Handout: Type I & II Error + Power
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
Week 8: Introduction to the One Sample T-test
-Handout: T-test
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
Week 9: Within-Subjects T-Test
-Handout: Intro to Within-Subjects In-Class Demonstration
-Handout: Within-Subjects T-Test Practice Problem with Answers
Week 10: Review of Hypothesis Testing, One Sample T-Test, & Within-Subjects T-Test
-Handout: Practice Questions from Howell
-Handout: Practice Questions from Howell with Answers
Week 11: Within-Subjects T-Test vs. Between-Subjects T-Test in SPSS
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
-Handout: Introduction to Effect Size
Week 12: Between Subjects (Away at conference; Materials taken from other sections)
-Handout 1
-Handout 2
Week 13: Chi-square
-Handout: Chi-square
-SPSS Assignment based on this data
Review Table